אִם-תָּעִירוּ וְאִם-תְּעוֹרְרוּ אֶת-הָאַהֲבָה, עַד שֶׁתֶּחְפָּץ

(שיר השירים ג, ה)

Yahel Center was established in order to address intimacy and sexuality openly within the orthodox community. We believe that a positive relationship between a married couple strengthens each partner and holds the foundation for a healthy family.

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    צוות מרכז יהל

    Michal Prins

    Founder and Content Manager

    צוות מרכז יהל

    Yaara Yeshurun


    צוות מרכז יהל

    Halel Rubin


    צוות מרכז יהל

    DR. Yocheved Dibow

    Academic Advisor for educators course

    צוות מרכז יהל

    Tali Rosenbaum

    Academic Advisor for training course

    צוות מרכז יהל

    Rav Elay Offran

    Academic Advisor, Mens' Course

    "My spouse felt that I understood him better. Our conversations are more open and honest. Finding the words became easier."

    "As we progressed throughout the course, I felt a sense of being on an important mission. At first I thought I was doing the course just for me, now I know that I have to make an impact and do something else with it, to spread the word and make a difference in the world."

    "It changed my whole perception. I kept waiting, expecting the time to change my reality and finally I realized It was up to me to make a change. I felt releaved."

    "I have been telling everyone I know that it is a life changing course. What a shame it wasnot available 30 years ago. I feel so comfortable speaking about the subject for hours"

    "I came out motivated to fix my personal world. I had been a mikve attendant for 14 years, guiding and counseling brides and couples. The center first helped me, gave me answers. Now have where to refer others in need to.
